Make-shift Joy: How to Make Easter Gifts with What You Have Laying Around the House

Having come of (professional) age during the time when recipes, crafts and such were tested first, published second, I usually do a dry run on anything I publish. Some ideas don’t work. Some require fiddling with a step or two. But as I find myself making Spring and Easter crafts with just the odds and…

Joy in the Face of Disaster

It’s been a while — a long while —- since we’ve posted here. Life sometimes inspires blogging, then sometimes interrupts blogging. Right now, everyone’s life is interrupted. By a rather annoying micro-organism, if we might say so. There is no “normal”, new or not. Accepting any of this — food shortages, government ordered isolation, or…

What to Do This Weekend: Facing the Storm

For the past 48 hours, there has been no escaping Hurricane Florence. Or at least news, projections and warnings about it: Considerate and concerned preparedness emails from schools and businesses; cable-station weatherpeople trying to mask their excitement as they get top of the hour placement; and yes, the nearly incessant “severe weather warnings” from your…

Hair Today: Not Your Mother’s Naturals Hair Products

Finding the right hair products is a task matched only by balancing the federal budget, achieving lasting peace in the Middle East or, perhaps, proving the existence of God.   In the category of proving the existence of a Goddess, perhaps, are the hair products from Not Your Mother’s Naturals. Besides being free of phthalates,…

Get a Vogue-Ready End-of-Summer Outfit for under $25

Vogue has kindly endorsed your favorite end-of-summer go-to: White jeans. With two weeks left to wear them (you do adhere to that old Labor Day dictum), there’s still time to both flaunt and update them. The Pinnable top-half you’ve picked: T-shirt and academy blazer. Just right for a Friday night. However, the likelihood of you ever…

Discover Hot Club of Baltimore and more at the Rotunda’s Jazz Nights

As well as GrubHub and Netflix suffices for most Friday nights, sometimes it’s nice to take yourself out for dinner and a movie. Especially on a hot summer evening when your AC is not exactly working. So two-and-a-half hours of air-conditioned bliss later, there you were  rummaging through your bag for your car keys. And…

Recipe: Cauliflower Steaks with Dippy Eggs and Green Goddess Dressing

You have approached the cauliflower craze with a bit of caution. If there are carmelized cruciferous appetizers to be had, you tend to prefer Brussels sprouts. As faux-mashed potatoes or a substitue for rice, well, that falls into the SWYPO bucket for you. And raw? There are just too many other (read: tastier) options in…