
About the Blog

Rooted in Joy was started with a simple mission: To nourish the body, soul and mind with good things to eat, do and grow. Nourishment and growth, of course, occur in all aspects of life: the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Thus, you’ll find “Soul Food” and “Brain Candy” along with what’s “Good to Eat,” “Good to Do” and “Good to Know”.  And flowers just make people happy.

This blog is based in Baltimore, MD, and frequently focuses on the many local charms of Charm City. (If all you know about Baltimore is from Homocide or The Wire, you should really come for a visit and update your understanding of the city!) But the editrix being a bit of a wanderer, you’ll also find traces of peripatetic visits throughout Maryland and up and down the East Coast. In short, joy can be found almost anywhere, if you just look for it.

About the Editrix

Let’s begin with this: It’s Stacia, not Stacie. Not to be picky, but she likes her name.

Eats: Shoots and Leaves. Sorry, an old grammar-nerd joke. A plant-based, high-protein diet, pursued both at home and out. Little, if any, grains, sugar, soy or dairy. Although the occassional loaf of bread does get baked.

Does: Slow cooking. Selective shopping. Frequent gardening. Mindful entertainment. Yoga and meditation.

Grows: Self, communities, and, of course, flowers.

Misc.: Stacia Ragolia is a content strategist, writer and editor with a passion for the good in life. She is the author of A Frugal Woman’s Guide to a Rich Life (Thomas Nelson, 2003); the co-founder of Plumberry Jam, a critically acclaimed hyper-local blog in Westchester County, NY; a pioneering leader of digital content and community strategy at top-ranked websites; the mom of two nearly adult children; and a passionate cook, gardener and seeker of joy.